Within X3 we will investigate the effectiveness of different approaches to addressing the complex challenges of biodiversity renewal through interrogating past and current attempts at collaboration. There has been considerable investment for biodiversity renewal, with funders recognising the need for multi-faceted, collaborative, and inclusive research. Yet, knowledge remains siloed, with patchy translation into practice; organisational forms may hinder progress and much learning remains tacit, failing to ‘stick’ beyond the end of individual projects. X3 will systematically document experiences of collaboration in the past and present to create an evidence base for the future.
Our Collaboration in Practice research will consolidate decades of experience to document and mobilise learning about ‘what works’. Documentary analysis, oral history and group ‘witness seminars’ will build an active archive on collaboration, one that elicits deeper reflections on effective practice, including the social, emotional and organisational aspects. This public archive will then be used for tracking outcomes in RENEW, to develop ‘what works’ guidance for partners and a legacy for future projects. There will also be ongoing analysis of RENEW itself, with the project acting as a ‘living laboratory’ for investigating collaboration as it happens. Activities will build the social relationships, trust, and positive feedback loops critical to successful working. The combined, analysed data will be added to the emerging archive, be used to build publicly shared stories of collaboration, and disseminated as collective learning and ‘best practice’ for future research and partnership working, enabling effective biodiversity renewal to progress.