A picture of a meadow in flower

Theme 3: Land Managers

Theme 3: Land Managers

Our work with land managers recognises that currently the delivery of nature renewal relies heavily on highly managed reserves and broad policy incentives interspersed with opportunistic initiatives. To achieve integrated landscape-scale renewal we will develop approaches that combine strategic planning with those that (i) incorporate real-world opportunities and constraints and (ii) include co-design and delivery with diverse land-managers.

A key barrier to achieving effective biodiversity renewal is that resources are often targeted opportunistically, in a piecemeal fashion, at relatively small scales by a diverse range of actors, leading to a lack of landscape scale projects. A recognised part of the problem is that in the absence of large-scale land acquisition for conservation, the engagement, knowledge and coordinated actions of land managers are the key to success. Informed by the best available biodiversity evidence, Theme 3 will work to identify how to integrate practical opportunities and constraints into strategic planning initiatives and look at ways to incentivise effectively landowners and other stakeholders to deliver biodiversity renewal at a landscape scale. The techniques developed will support biodiversity renewal, at scale, across the UK.


Theme 3 is working to:

  • Track changes in land-use, habitats and species, so that biodiversity renewal decisions are based on best available evidence.
  • Integrate economic opportunities and constraints into strategic conservation planning tools.
  • Determine which factors maximise the quality of renewal and advantages of co-designed approaches.
  • Test how novel approaches to identifying priorities for nature renewal can be embedded into practice.
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